The Youth Research Institute and the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences at Corvinus University of Budapest are organizing the international conference “Clout Culture: Youth Cultures in Changing Societies”, to be held in Budapest, Hungary on 7-8 September 2023. The aim of the conference is to investigate contemporary youth cultures in all of its facets. Contributors will take part in poster presentations (Day 1) and lectures and panel discussions (Day 2) on the following themes and topics, in both English and Hungarian: ? High and Popular Culture ? Arts and Marketing ? Language and Communication ? Contemporary and Traditional Culture
7th September |
15:00 - 15:05 |
Welcome speech (Tamás Gyulavári) |
15:05 - 16:00 |
(EN) On the readers' rebellion (Gergely Böszörményi-Nagy, Enikő Szakos) |
16:00 - 16:55 |
(EN) Current issues of cultural research (Alexandra Solea, Réka Benczes, Zsuzsanna Szálka , Ferenc Sullivan) |
16:55 - 19:00 |
(EN) World Café Discussion (PhD students present, share, and discuss their findings) |
Our PhD guests: Michele Varini Andrii Kushnarevych Csilla Csáki-Kristóf Simona Ščepková Admilson Veloso Julianna Katalin Dinnyés Thawab Hilal Patrícia Virág Rédai Erna Uricska Benjámin Bacsó Marwa Benothman
8th September |
9:00-9:05 |
Welcome speech (Zoltán Szalai) |
9:05-10:25 |
(EN) Presentations: Anna Brosch, Jennie Bristow, Andrea Kárpáti, Georgina Kiss-Kozma |
Coffee Break
10:45-12:45 |
(EN) Presentations: Erna Uricska, Nóra Barnucz, Madhusmita Boruah, Swikrita Dowerah, Marija Vorkul, Petronella Lilla Szabó, Amna Zulfiqar, Faiza Khalid, Lorenzo Bernasconi |
Lunch Break |
14:00-15:20 |
(HU) Presentations: Péter Pillók, Zoltán Veczán, Levente Székely, Júlia Szabó |
15:20-16:10 |
(HU) Festivals from the organisers' point of view (Gergely Papp , Konrád Rés, Erika Kolonics, Natália Oszkó-Jakab, Boglárka Szentgyörgyi) |
Coffee Break |
16:30-17:20 |
(HU) Trends of content consumption (Tamás Bokor, Nóra Falyuna, Ádám Guld, Alexandra Nagy-Béni) |
17:20-18:10 |
(HU) Culture's role in the future (Rebeka Méry, Barbara Somossy, Anna Juhász, Miklós Bálint Tóth) |
18:10-18:15 |
Closing speech (Levente Székely) |