Research shows that strong prejudices towards minority groups are characteristic to young people living in disadvantageous socio-cultural life environments. In previous analyses, we tried to explain prejudice using the concept introduced by Fuchs and Case. According to Fuchs and Case, “... prejudice is not an attitude, but a way of life”, i.e. embedded in the entire life situation. The variety of group memberships and differences between group norms encourage group members to choose alternative interpretations or participate in interactions according to various “rites”. In our analysis, we primarily seek to answer whether the conception is valid with view to the representative, large (N=8,000) nationwide sample of Hungarian Youth 2020 research, also known as the Hungarian largesample youth survey. Based on the analyses, we proved that prejudices are explained by Fuchs and Case’s theory of intergroup prejudice.
Keywords: prejudice, lifeform, survey research
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